Bradt guidebook
margaret hebblethwaite

Thoroughly researched and well written. The best guide to Paraguay in English.

Margaret also founded the Santa Maria Hotel, Santa Maria, Missiones.

(Details on Misiones page.)

Buy here (Daunt Books)

The Paraguay reader

The Paraguay Reader: History, Culture, Politics
Peter Lambert, Andrew Nickson

“Hemmed in by the vast, arid Chaco to the west and, for most of its history, impenetrable jungles to the east, Paraguay has been defined largely by its isolation. Partly as a result, there has been a dearth of serious scholarship or journalism about the country. Going a long way toward redressing this lack of information and analysis, The Paraguay Reader is a lively compilation of testimonies, journalism, scholarship, political tracts, literature, and illustrations, including maps, photographs, paintings, drawings, and advertisements.


Buy here (Sandman Books)

At The Tomb of the Inflatable Pig

“Paraguay – the name conjures up everything most exotic and extreme in South America.

It’s a place of hellish jungles, dictators, fraudsters and Nazis, utopian experiments, missionaries and lurid coups.

It’s not a place for the timid because there isn’t even a guidebook.

But Paraguay, as revealed in this outstanding new book, is among the most beautiful and captivating countries in the world..”

Buy here (Daunt Books)

Travels with My Aunt, Paraguay


“Henry Pulling, a retired bank manager, meets his septuagenarian Aunt Augusta for the first time in over fifty years at what he supposes to be his mother’s funeral. Soon after, she persuades Henry to abandon Southwood, his dahlias and the Major next door to travel her way, Brighton, Paris, Istanbul, Paraguay.

Buy here (Daunt Books)

◎ WHERE TO BUY BOOKS in Paraguay

It is rare to find English books in Paraguay. The best options are the bookshops (Libreria) in the large malls eg. Paseo la Galeria and Shopping del Sol.

Paseo la Galeria

Shopping Del Sol

Jopoi on the first floor of Paseo de Galeria sells crafts and products from Paraguay and has an impressive range of books about Paraguayan culture and the arts. (Mainly in Spanish).


To order books from abroad. Paraguay Box will ship to offices in Asuncion and Caacupé.